Interaction with Shri. Jayan P, IBS Software

In an extraordinary event, renowned industry expert Shri. Jayan P graced DC College of Management and Technology with his presence, delivering an inspiring mentoring session for the students. As the Senior Vice President and Head of Global Human Resources at IBS Software, his insights and wisdom ignited a spark of motivation among the attendees.During the session, Shri. Jayan P shared invaluable advice and guidance, providing a roadmap for success in the dynamic world of business and management. Students eagerly absorbed his knowledge, learning to embrace challenges, think innovatively, and develop their leadership skills.With passion and enthusiasm, Shri. Jayan P emphasized the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and staying ahead of industry trends. He encouraged students to explore their potential, set ambitious goals, and strive for excellence in their chosen fields.The mentoring session left an indelible impact on the students, inspiring them to dream big and pursue their aspirations fearlessly. Shri. Jayan P’s remarkable expertise and mentorship created a transformative experience, empowering the next generation of leaders at DC College of Management and Technology.Grateful for the insightful mentoring session with Shri. Jayan P, the students embark on their professional journeys, armed with newfound confidence and a wealth of knowledge.