Expert Faculty      : Dr.Jayasankar Prasad C

Teaching Faculty  : Ms.Lekshmi Krishna S

Year                          : 2022 -2024

Activity                   : Book Review for Teaching Transactional Analysis

  1. Born to Win – Muriel James


Muriel James’s ‘Born to Win’ is an enlightening exploration of the human psyche and the complex interplay of behavior patterns. With a focus on Transactional Analysis, the book delves into the concept of life scripts and how they shape individuals’ perceptions and interactions. James adeptly weaves together real-life case studies and theoretical insights, providing a comprehensive understanding of how individuals can break free from self-defeating patterns to achieve personal growth and success.


  1. Games People Play – Eric Berne


Eric Berne’s ‘Games People Play’ is a seminal work that lays the foundation for understanding the dynamics of human relationships through the lens of Transactional Analysis. By identifying various psychological games that people often engage in, Berne sheds light on the hidden motivations and subconscious drivers behind everyday interactions. His insightful analysis encourages readers to recognize these games, break destructive patterns, and foster healthier communication and relationships.

  1. I’m OK, You’re OK – Thomas A. Harris


Thomas A. Harris’s ‘I’m OK, You’re OK’ is a groundbreaking exploration of Transactional Analysis that emphasizes the importance of developing a positive life position. Through the exploration of the four basic personality types, Harris offers practical insights on how individuals can achieve emotional maturity and foster harmonious relationships. By promoting a mindset of mutual respect and understanding, the book provides a valuable framework for individuals to navigate interpersonal dynamics and foster a sense of well-being and fulfillment.


Course Objectives:


    • To comprehend the fundamental principles of Transactional Analysis as presented in key texts.
    • To identify and analyze different life scripts and transactional patterns in personal and professional contexts.
    • To develop a deep understanding of psychological games and their impact on communication and relationships.
    • To cultivate self-awareness and interpersonal skills necessary for fostering healthy and effective interactions.